10 November 2010

Redefining Beauty

I googled "redefining beauty" and these are some images and facts that I got... enjoy...

The first image is of Faith Hill on a magazine cover. The right is the unphotoshopped version, BEAUTIFUL! The left is the cover.. apparently she was pissed that they photoshopped her arm to make her look skinner... shes beautiful just the way she is! The magazine issued an apology to Mrs. Hill and their readers.

The second is a image of a Dove Soap add. Who doesn't love a bunch of beautiful average sized women in their panties?

The third is an image of a celeb in a magazine, again, unphotoshopped. The magazine published this image unaltered per the actresses request because she wanted to show that not all celebs are anorexic bimbos. ha ha

And last is this image especially for Jessica! This was on a website talking about how beauty is changing in society today and how tattoos are becoming more and more acceptable and therefore, "more beautiful". Although I don't think this porn star homewrecker is the best example of beauty... i enjoyed what the website was talking about.

02 November 2010


Everyone check out this site. It just goes to show how they use sex to bring awareness to the table. BOOB LUBE? come on now. It does bring humor into picture. But is it really a laughing matter for someone who is currently going through chemo. I think boob lube is the last thing they need.