03 September 2010

Idea Issues

Hey Guys!

I was hoping to get a little help from you guys. I have been researching and I have found so many REDICULOUS statistics on how adolescents view themselves after watching a movie or a music video. It is actually sort of interesting but I don't know if I should focus on "tweens". I think starting there is smart since the things/ideals that we pick up at that age normally stick with us through our adult life... but I'm not sure.

Heres a website that I found that I thought was interesting...

I'd LOVE some feed back!

Thank you!



  1. Hey Jess! That's a really interesting article.

    I think this might be helpful and interesting. Maybe as an exercise to figure out what you want to do more in-depth, you could focus on "tweens" in various situations involving self-image, and then create a sort of hypothetical future for how you think each girl's self-image will transcribe to the future. For instance, maybe think about two girls whose moms constantly weighs themselves in front of their daughters and have only low-fat products in the house. One of the girls is affected by family, follows suit and develops a gradual eating disorder, and the other is more affected by peers and develops healthy eating habits. It could be really interesting to consider why some girls are affected more strongly by peers and why some are affected by strongly by family and how this affects their lives as a result.

    Food for thought! Hope that helps a little.
