01 September 2010

Sex sells but does to it raise awareness?


Here is a commercial created to raise awareness towards breast cancer. Clearly this will stop a man in his tracks. However, is this really a good route to take action in the fight against breast cancer?

1 comment:

  1. I have mixed feelings about this.

    Does it get people's attention? Not just men, but some women out there, too? Yes.

    I don't have mixed feelings just because it's rather sexist; you can't make it through one day without bearing witness to something sexist. What's offensive and potentially harmful is HOW it gets people's attention. To me, it sends the message that the POINT of "saving the boobies" is for their physical attraction, not the fact that for many women, losing their breasts to cancer can be mentally devastating. And here's a sexist comment of my own - honestly, for many women, losing their breasts would simply make them feel unwomanly. Also, regardless of your gender, of course you're going to be mentally altered (most likely not in a positive way) if you're suddenly forced to part with something that's been attached to you for 20-80 years (depending on your age).

    I can appreciate that the makers of this ad had their sights on the goal of raising breast cancer awareness, but I'm not sure that I agree with the unintentional message they're sending.
