09 September 2010


So I think I should make up a survey for people to take about their bodys. I have been finding all these crazy statistics online (which I was going to share with you but someone wouldn't stop talking about running?!) and I can't believe some of them. The numbers are so high, like..

90% of women are insecure with some part of their body.

I mean, I know there are parts of my body I'm insecure about too.. Does that make me a hypocrite if I am telling girls they should love their bodies?

I was thinking about asking questions about how people felt about their bodies and if those insecurites make them do things they normally wouldn't or if those insecurites make them not to things they wouldn't.

There is a study that shows that body insecurites effect men as often as women but men let it effect them in a different way. Most of the time it is with reckless acts or sexual infedelities... something that us women think is NUTS!

But I thought I would start with you guys... will you comment about your body insecurity and how if effects you. Be honest.. it will help so much!

I'll start with mine... I am terribly insecure about my thighs. I NEVER wear shorts unless they come pretty close to my knee or mid-thigh. I am afraid I am going to be that "cottage cheese" girl that everyone points and scowles at.


  1. My insecurities that I have are that I have thunder thighs always have even at my skinniest, and I hate my tummy which I have from stress and taking birth control and my big arms which got big from weight training. I get insecure every now and then when I hear wow you are a pretty girl and you would be perfect if you just lost weight. I'll admit it pisses me off and makes me insecure but I love my curves actually and I dont want to be a size 0 or a size two, the average woman is a size 14 and that is me and I think I am beautiful how I am and I may get insecure for a second but I have no problem showing what I have off no matter what others may say and I think that attitude is what is needed by others, to be okay with themselves, yes we all have things we do not like or change but we will always find something to pick out, so like what you are and what you have and dont hide it!

  2. I'm insecure about my body type for sure. even at my skinniest- the 4 months I spent in Rome: walking everywhere, eating small healthy meals on the go and rarely drank soda, I never seemed to loose the muffin top and the other things that go with it. I know it doesn't make me who I am, but at the same time, it's not likely you'll see me walk around without a shirt on, or wear "fitted Ts" I also feel like I won't proceed to get my chest-piece tattoo until I will be comfortable walking around shirtless (which works out because I won't have the money to afford a big tattoo for a long time anyway). I don't feel a need to "become skinny" I'm fine with my waist size, but it would be nice to loose the handles/muffin top action haha.
    My other major insecurity lies in my skin. Both my sister and I are prone to eczema breakouts, her's being more severe- but I just generally have dry skin all the time. Sometimes it makes me feel like I'm not clean, like I have dandruff, even though I shower/bathe regularly. It seems to come and go at random. It usually doesn't bother me too much though, it's more a nuisance than anything I suppose.

  3. I know I don't have a "perfect" body, but then again, what is perfect? I am fairly confident about saying that very few people, regardless of gender, think they have a "perfect" body.

    That being said, my body is perfect for ME. I don't need to be a size 2 to be happy. Yes, I have my unconfident moments where I try to squeeze myself into a too-tight dress, resulting in a look that "sausage stuffed into a casing" look. So I promptly remove it and put something on that's more flattering. It's all about what you think of yourself.

    No, I don't look like a Victoria Secret model when I wear swim suits from Victoria Secret, but I don't think that makes me any less worthy to wear a two piece. I hate when people see a rather overweight person in a bathing suit and say, "OH EM GEE. She does NOT deserve to wear that!" Oh, and you do? Just because you're 50 pounds lighter? What exactly is the weight limit for wearing a two piece?

    I just feel that even if I have a little cellulite here and there, I'm not going to wear long sleeve shirts and pants year-round just to hide it. Fact is, most people DO have a little bit of it, and for some reason, we've all arrived at the conclusion that it's something that should be hidden. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all go flaunting our cottage cheese by wearing clothes that are three sizes too small, but if you're wearing appropriately-sized clothing, then why should anyone rob you of your right to wear fashion and styles that you love?

    In conclusion, I am sometimes insecure about my body, but I LOVE my body, it's the only one I'll ever get in this lifetime, so when I'm feeling insecure, I try to shake the feeling and embrace my body for what it is. It's a much better option that spending hours each day, hating my body.

    I wonder if there's a way to measure the percentage of one's life during which he or she wastes time hating his or her body. Let's say, for instance, that it's 10-20 percent, which I'm guessing is pretty accurate. Imagine spending that time on something else WORTHWHILE. It's something we can all work on.
