13 December 2010

Zen and the Art of Running


So, this Saturday I was able to hold and interview with the author of the book, Zen and the Art of Running, Dr. Larry Shapiro. He is a Philosophy teacher at the University of Wisconsin, and was very informative during the interview. I started off asking about how he was able to go about researching the material, and suggested a few books, 3 of which I already have! Secondly, we talked about how one can change their life by running, and he suggested that as a class we all just take a run. I am hoping that sometime next semester we could do the ODU loop. The total distance is just 1 mile, so it it not too bad. We will all go the same pace, I promise! Lastly, we talked about the Zen way, and the comparisons to other philosophies. All in all, it was a great interview!

Just thought you ought to know!



  1. I'm really glad you were able to talk with Dr. Shapiro - and that you were so prepared and ready to talk to him through all your research. Keep the conversations going by keeping him updated.

    I'm up for the group run if you can convince us, but to be fair we may all need to get body mods as well.

  2. I am down for both of those ideas! (however, I would like a 2 week notice before we do each in order to go on a few jogs and to save up some money before hand) hmm, TRUTH tatoos?
    Good work Josh!

  3. I'm down for both the group run AND the group mods! Kidding about the mods, but definitely up for the run.
