30 January 2011


Starting to get the hang of it. Just setting stuff up for now, waiting to get more interview responses and photos so I can really get going on this =]

Right now, the skeleton of the book is: cover (for which I still need a title! i appreciate your guys' responses about "scar stories" so far), table of contents, intro (what my project/book is about, WHY I'm doing it, etc.), interviews and photos, glossary. On each photo intro page to each individual's interview, I have been including a quote that I think is really important and poignant from each person's testimony. What do you guy's think?

Also, I'd appreciate any feedback you guys want to give about the layout, color scheme, etc..there is a pre-set number of color schemes to choose from, and most of them were either really boring or really frilly and cutesy, and I really like the color green, so I went with this one haha. But I'd still appreciate any and all comments from you awesome designer people. Thanks in advance.

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