09 January 2011

I had an interview with Jim Sweeney @ the Franklinton land development office. I learned several things in our meeting. These images are of paintings hanging on buildings in the Franklinton Art District. Also, land development not only deals with new builds, but also with restoration and renovation of current structures. He gave me an example of a property his team purchases for around 20 thousand dollars, they then have to do about 100 thousand dollars in renovations. With $120,000. invested, they will be lucky to bring in $70,000. Some of the funds used in renovations comes from grant monies. I thought these were great, and I had no idea there was an art district in Franklinton.


  1. These are awesome, Mike. You'll have to let me know specifically where these are located (I know it's in Franklinton, but I'm awful with directions and don't even know where Franklinton is!). I'd love to go see these in person.

  2. In fact, not to speak for anyone else, but I think it would be pretty cool if we could all find a time to take a sort of class trip to see these.

  3. Thanks Jessica,
    I think thats a great idea, hope we can work that in.

  4. These are pretty crazy, I wouldn't have expected that. Good find! I would totally be down for a stroll through the neighborhood; I think it would be a big help.
