08 January 2011

My Statement

Hello all,
I am so sorry that I have not been able to post any ideas. I travelled to Texas to see my sister and her family and unfortunately Igot sick there. I just came back on 6th of January 2011. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.
Wao! you have all gone far with your plans and ideas. You all did well. Keep it up. I was not productive during the holiday because I was sick, but here is my statement.

My Goal
My goal is to show different ways in which African fabric can be used in painting of a portraiture. One of the ways is: by painting the pattern of African fabric designs at the background of the portraiture. This could be done the opposite way. That is, rather than painting the background, the fabric is glued at the background. Another way is: using African fabric to create a three dimensional form. This is done by gluing fabric on the exposed part of the body and adding stuff where you want it to bulge, e.g the breast. There are other ways I am yet to explore.

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