23 January 2011

Okay these are some of the fall color schemes i was working with it. In my opinion i like the last bottom one. It's got that comforting fall feeling to it but thena gain that little touch of red sends that angry vide. thoughts?


  1. I agree, the red in the bottom scheme gives you the necessary element of anger or frustration. The other ones are nice but also seem a bit TOO comforting to me. I say go with the bottom =]

  2. Third one down on the left is definitely my favorite out of the bunch, although I do feel the two colors in the middle of this set could be a bit darker in tone.

  3. I'm with Jessica and Deanna here. That last one seems strong! White with it might be nice; I imagine that those colors, if used wrong, could seem like they are promoting despair.

  4. I like the last one. It is cool.

  5. Yeah, I would stick with that bottom set!
