25 January 2011

Suggestions already..

Hey guys! A friend of mine already made a suggestion for our working title:

"Under the Influence: Exploring Behavior and Identity through Art and Design."

I'm just going to put all the ideas I get on here as they pour in =] All the worthwhile and constructive comments, that is.


  1. for some reason I feel like this says "project" more than it says "exhibition" or "show"

    anyone else see it that way?

  2. Hmm.... I am not sure if I feel like it says "project" but even though it says the same statement but moved around it feels different to me and I don't know why?

    So I asked around about the title and first I asked my Mom & Dad and they really liked it, despite not understanding my project half the time. After I told why she liked it even more. I also asked some others and they really thought it was an interesting title, stating "its so different than the previous shows & titles, it actually sounds interesting". When asked about if they thought anything negative about it of course drinking came up, but was not the first thing they thought of when they heard it.

    So far the title is working, so anyone else get anything different?

  3. I still like the original working title more. The fact that "art and design" is AFTER "exploring" makes it passive. I think we should be active, not passive, even in our title.

    Just thought I'd post all the suggestions I got =]

  4. I was driving home the night after our class and kept thinking that the "under the influence" connection with drinking and alcohol was truly a strength.

    We understand that being under the influence of drugs and alcohol can be dangerous. We have campaigns warning us about how these substances affect us, and even change who we are. However, the biases and perceptions that you address with your work change the way we think and the way we behave - and still THIS form of intoxication is not seen as dangerous.

    I feel that in this title, the negative connotations are transferred appropriately; the link between a drug and a perception are clear. Therefore, these connotations are only a strength.

    Parents: warn your children to have open minds so they don't fall victim to mind-altering biases!

    P.S. I also agree with you all that the "Art & Design" should come earlier in the longer version of the title because it is more appropriate for an exhibition, but it's good to talk about everything as it comes up.

  5. Like Jessica, I prefer the first one to: Exploring Behavior and Identity through Art and Design.
