16 January 2011

Updates & Ideas

Okay so finally got a meeting set with Marazita on Wednesday excited to ask him some questions and see what response he has. On another note is there anything anyone would like to see in particular about my project. I have been researching more and more, and trying to "really" understand the scientific aspect of my project more, but I want to know if there is anything specific anyone needs to see to understand my project better? The research I can to but as for creating visual ideas I am stuck on color illusions and tricks. So if anyone has any ideas or requests please let me know.


  1. I'd like to see how color perceptions play in to my REAL LIFE; show me all the facts and how this whole crazy thing works, then show me HOW color has influenced/affected me.

    Did I gamble longer and loose all my money because the casino colors and patterns "made me do it"? Did I instinctivly look at your product because the color led me to it? Was I fooled into paying more for your peanut butter because the packaging colors made me think it was organic? Did I get a speeding ticket because my car was red and the rest of traffic was not?

    I need a link from the science to life.

  2. I think it would be cool to:
    1. See visual plays using light, ie. optical illusions. Everyone enjoys them and they're fun. I realize that's a generalized statement, but hey, the people who don't like op illusions don't matter. (Just kidding).
    2. How color affects us in our everyday life, things we can all relate to. I really like Jess's idea of the speeding ticket. Some other interesting ideas are food - do certain colors cause us to want to eat more/less? Just things affected by color that we can all (or most of us) relate to.

    Hope that helps!
