03 February 2011


Hey guys - I'm working more on the content for my book (introduction, WHY I'm doing this project, why it's important, glossary, etc.) and it occurred to me that I haven't given much thought yet to the cover itself, which is pretty important given the fact that it's the first thing people will see!

So we already know that I'm dealing with brainstorming ideas for a title, but the image for the cover itself has yet to take form. I thought it would be really interesting to feature myself on the front, since I've made the decision to not include myself in the body of the book. Here is an image that I've been in love with for a while. I've found myself staring at it a few times a week for the past year:

This is an image of my friend Hailey Ginn (Havok Suicide), who amazingly enough is one of the more voluptuous, fuller sized Suicide Girl models. I KNOW she doesn't seem "plus-sized," but in the world of modeling, even alternative modeling, being a size 8 or higher puts you in the ranks of the pluz-sized (ridic, I know). Unfortunately, she lives in California now, otherwise I would ask her to model for me!! =[ This image has haunted me (in a good way!) for a very long time, and I was thinking it might be cool to do a variation of this type of pose for my cover.

However, I would prefer to be standing in the pose, arms suggesting that I'm embracing myself, my back facing the camera so as to highlight my (increasingly-closer-to-being-done!!) backpiece, and have the entire background fade out into black, to really showcase the modification on my back.

This image, too, has been in my mind for a while, sort of growing, and I've felt recently that I've actually seen (not just created in my mind) this image before somewhere. While looking back through the books that I purchased this past summer to compile my proposal/research paper (seems like sooo long ago, doesn't it??), I re-discovered this book:

And I kind of realized that I subconsciously combined the cover of both this book and the photo of Hailey (above), to create my own sort of ideal for a cover.

What do you guys think? If I do decide to use that image on the cover, I might need some Photoshop guidance from you lovely designers, as far as making the background solid black, etc... that probably seems like a silly thing to need help with; my apologies for being a complete Photoshop noob!!

I also thought it would be nice to include the quote, "We live in a world where everything is disposable, this is permanent/forever." And playing with either "This is Permanent," or "This is Forever," or simply "PERMANENT," or "FOREVER," as a title.

Thoughts, suggestions, comments??

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