03 February 2011

More book content...thoughts?

As is probably evident from the last couple posts I've made, and the fact that the last couple of hours have consisted of me blowing up the blog with BOOK shtuff, I'm taking a break from painting for the night to focus on book content (and hopefully portfolio stuff later, but right now I'm on a book-making roll!!).

1. Do you guys think I should add a "special thanks" section or something similar? To acknowledge all those who helped make the book possible? Since I'm not paying these generous people for their interviews or photos, and I can't necessarily buy a book for each participant, I feel like it would be the least I could do to acknowledge them in a separate section, thanking them for all their help. What do you think?

2. Also, would it be helpful or at least interesting to any of you if I included a section listing other body modification resources, like online magazines, etc., in case anyone wants to learn more?

3. I've also come up with what (I think) is a brilliant idea! A sort of interactive page or two titled "Modification Checklist," saying something like, "Are YOU modified? If you participate in any of the things listed below, you are indeed part of the body modification world." I figure this would help bridge the gap between traditionally thought of "modified" people and "non-modified," to get people who aren't so "hip" on modification to realize that they aren't all that different from people with piercings and tattoos. I plan on listing things like coloring one's hair, wearing makeup, wearing deodorant (my favorite!!), etc. What do you guys think?

Also, I'm in the process of contacting six new Columbus-based people with whom I have a couple, albeit somewhat tenous, connections, about possibly modeling for me/answering interview questions. Cross your fingers that some of them are interested in my project!


  1. I definitely think you should add a section thanking the people that helped contribute to your work.

  2. Thanking people sounds good and appropriate. A couple really good links for more info could be good (the best links to convey your particular message). The checklist sounds good, but it is different from the book and from the paintings; it would be a different form/element.

  3. That's a really good idea, to make the checklist a separate element. Thanks!
