05 February 2011

Veritcal vs Horizontal

Hey all!

So. I am second guessing and rethinking about the layout for the calendar. Should I make it horizontal orientation like I have been showing you, or should I go with a vertical orientation like I have designed first?


  1. For some reason vertical seems more comfortable to hold, and more easily portable.

  2. Josh, I like the horizontal version you showed us, but I usually gravitate to vertical so I would like to see that option too.

  3. I like vertical, just because it's the format I would personally be more comfortable with using.

  4. Make a dummy book (as accurate as possible, including cover thickness and some sort of binding) in both ways and have 50 people hold it. Really.

    You can even print a page or two in both directions to see if that helps people feel one way or another.

    Bring your dummy books to next class, but have tons of people look at them in the meantime.

  5. The horizontal you showed looks more balance to me, though I do not know how the vrtical will look like. May be you give it a trial too.
