01 March 2011

card statement ideas

Something is happening. The old lines are blurring and new ones are coming into focus. The rift between art and design is dissolving as it is between all fields. Today, ideas drive making over medium or subject. At Ohio Dominican University, we have been focusing on the idea of truth. In our pursuit of truth we have discovered many things.

Something is happening. The rift between art and design is dissolving. The world is becoming more interconnected by the second, dwindling the need for specialization. We, at Ohio Dominican University, have recognized this and embraced it through our focus on concept. We do not make images and words look good, we make them do good..

Everything has an effect. Everything is a cause. The Ohio Dominican University ART+DESIGN department has realized its place in this cycle between cause and effect. Art and design are outlets to observe and direct the outside world. It is not enough for us to make things look good when we can make them do good. This is a show about change. This is a show about impact. This is a show about truth and its many faces. Come see what we’ve discovered.

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