19 March 2011

layout ideas

Hey guys, here is an idea I came up for my layout. The paintings themselves are to scale, in that the middle row is composed of all the 8" x 10", and the top and bottom are all the 10" x 8", with 8 inches between every painting. The total number of paintings is my goal for how many I want to have, and the question marks signify what I think may be reaching the limits of infeasible.

The three shapes at the bottom are stands on which I plan to place my books. Granted, the space between books and the stands (and the size of the stands themselves) is not to scale, but you get the idea.

Let me know what you guys think.

1 comment:

  1. This is fine. We can work on spreading everything out if space permits.

    All of the works are equally spaced which (to me) means that no particular works belong together or share a relationship that is different from any other painting in the series. Is this correct?

    The one factor that I see in the arrangement is that the horizontal and vertical images are grouped. Is it OK that this element is the only clear grouping?

    With the books/podiums, how do you see them being used at the opening and during the show?

    You talked at one point about having the books available (for purchase?) is that part of your layout consideration?
