15 March 2011

More cards - need advice??


  1. I like seeing these variations. Though, seeing them together it makes me want to assume that you are solely a portrait artist. I guess if you are only picking one card, that probably wouldn't be a problem. I particularly like the second one down.

  2. I like #2 because:
    I can imagine the painted figure in many scenarios so I feel that he is less limiting in terms of your subject matter.

    The figure looks up at me and seems to have a desire to connect with me more than some of the others.

    The text is aligned along the left side and it matches the edge of the card so it feels comfortable to me.

    I like that the image takes up more than half of the card.

    I'd like to see the following variations:
    Try using an "almost nothing" drop shadow for your name that is so light that no one would notice it, but it would still help the text pop.

    Try moving the picture in the space - perhaps a couple arrow clicks to the left to give the direction of his facce (to the right) a little more space and a couple clicks higher to get his mouth away from your name. I do like the eyes near the center of the card, but I'd like to see the other way as well.

    I can't quite read the content on these blog-version cards so I'd like to see one card full size.

    Lastly, as I feel you are getting close, it would help to see a card printed out full size (even a draft) to really look at the legibility and proportions.
