01 March 2011


The "You know you want to" started out as a joke, but I sort of love it!


  1. I LOVE it!! I think we should go with it!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. PS I know Ryan suggested that we play up the "influence" factor, perhaps via subliminal messaging, and I know "you know you want to" isn't quite so subtle, but I love it regardless haha.

    I think it's awesome bc it overtly gets the point across that everything and everyone around us sometimes influences us to do things we may or may not want to do (although everyone in his or her right mind DOES want to come to our show, obviously).

  4. I really love content and layout of the back of the card, I would really like to see it with the typeface on the front of the card.

  5. Agreed!! Jen told me the fonts but now I forget!! I will defiantly fi it in class though. I am really excited about this guys!! Theres so little time left with us all together. Its sort of sad.

    Josh and Ryan lived on my floor freshman year... :( Its going to be so weird not having you guys around.
