13 March 2011

Revised cards + new ones

Here are some more ideas for my business cards. Most of the ones in the first screen shot were in the last post I made about business cards, but I edited some of them with the suggestions that Deanna made. I played around with the gray bar and boldness, font sizes, etc. to emphasize my name. I do agree with Deanna that the script in the first card does look kind of wedding-appropriate =/ my eye keeps going back to that one, though! I tried a different script in the second card.

The ones in the second screen shot are newer.

Let me know what you guys think. As I said before, my Photoshop isn't working (ughhh sweet frustration...), so these are just rough sketches done in Word, I know there are some annoying booboos in there. I want to try to choose a final layout and get it finalized in Photoshop or Illustrator by the end of this week so I can order it on 4colorprint.com.

The more I look at the second set that I did...I'm really not liking the script..but oh well. Still give me your thoughts please =]


  1. Okie Dokie I really don't like the new script its sort of hard to read and doesn't quite work. I see you changed the title this seems better to me I am not sure if its right though we can all discuss this in class.

    I still come back to the 3rd and 4th vertical ones. The 4th one really gives attention to your name which is better I still really like the placement of the 3rd one. You know maybe you should think completely out of the box if you do anymore because you seem stuck on these similar forms, you are just changing the type and some placement so try something totally different, maybe something new will surface that really works. They look good though.

  2. I posted below under your last cards, but these feel too much like a business. I want to see some art. (maybe just a detail so it doesn't define a single body of work)
