16 April 2011


I have two variations of barbie posters.  I like this image better but it was hard to fit the text on there.

This is the other one.

Possible image for the gossip one?  I like it a lot.

I need another info thing about DDY but didn't know what sort of image to go with it but I had this one from awhile ago.

thinking about layout a little so you guys can get an idea.

this is what i was thinking about putting on the mirror.


  1. I really like these images a lot better. Out of the first two images I like the second one. I really like what the type says as well but I do think the placement is still awkward, and a bit had to ready I do however like the placement of the logo in the second one.

    I basically feel the same about the gossip poster as well the imagery is much better, its just the type needs some tweaking on the placement, it is also hard to see your logo as well. Hey I would really like to see this one in black and white too, just to compare, I really think it will play with the emotion in the photo better than the bright image, its just a thought. It also will help with the visibility of your logo.

    The last photo confuses me a bit I really don't think it works with the image. Its like the statement and image are for two different things, so I really don't think its really working.

    As for the mirror thing I really like this statement better than the other. I am still not quite sure about it, because when I think unique I think different which sometimes creates this negative association? I don't know maybe its just me.

  2. Thanks Deanna! This is a great help!

  3. I really like the barbie posters! I like how you said, "3 million barbies were sold since 1959..barbie isn't unique at all."

    I really like the gossiping poster, as well.

    I agree with Deanna about the last photo. It is a bit confusing. However, I still do like the image in that it kind of captures that adolescent innocence, just not sure what to do with it.

    I also really like what you're planning on writing on the mirror, as well.
