14 April 2011

Gallery Ideas

I have a few simple ideas for the gallery I think . . .
I know I plan to have a bookshelf and/or table with copies of the book out to read. I also thought about including some of the books I used as references- not sure if that is a good idea or not, since it may distract from the work.

Ideas for gallery designs include:

Two or Three large poster sized prompts which are not included in the book. I got the suggestion earlier today that with the prompts I could include cards which included small thumbnail versions of the prompts and little descriptions like are featured in my book, this could be displayed upside down (perhaps with the booktitle/logo on the back) with instructions to take one after you have spent some time thinking about the prompt on the wall.
These could be fun, and serve as take aways.

Another idea is- I found some early page designs from when I considered making a magazine. these could be quickly touched up and printed for display, they are essentially the main topics of my book condensed.

I think some vinyl wall text is in order, I'm thinking a large black vinyl of the book title, and perhaps different interesting quotes.

There are two prompts from the book that involve physical setups- these could also be made for the opening. One of them is three bowls of water, one hot, one with ice and one at room temperature- you dip one hand in each the warm and cold water for 30 seconds and then dip both in the middle one and state whether the water is cold or warm. I think most people did this in elementary school, so I wonder if it is just kinda lame?
The other prompt is the one I've talked about with the apple, this would be a table with an apple on it and instructions asking you how much you can see of it, and how much a group of you and your friends can see of it- getting you to realize you can never see 100% of the apple- I ran through this with Jordan Musall earlier, and while he didn't find it enlightening, he also changed his mind on whether you can see all of the apple. The instructions could also be wall vinyl rather than posters?

What do you guys think?

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