04 April 2011

Hey Deanna,


Just found this article in the NY Times about coloring food, thought you might want to check it out :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am not sure why it deleted my comment above but anyway ironically I just finished reading this article right before I checked the blog. Thanks though its a good article. What is funny though us all of the conflicting information I get one article says there is no proven facts that artificial color is dangerous but another article says the complete opposite. I know what I believe to be true, I mean there has to be some danger to this color if you read the ingredients its crazy.

    For instane I love this quote from the article:

    "his creations have colorings derived from good old petroleum, the source of artificial colorings. And he has no intention of changing that because the natural stuff just isn’t as colorful. “I could live without sprinkles, but why would I want to?” he asked. “They’re cupcakes. They’re supposed to be fun.”

    Old petroleum really? Anyway thanks again for posting this. If anything for others to read it.
