21 April 2011

Hey guys gallery setup?

So Jessica wanted me to post on the blog since the email system is likely down-

you can call me or her for more info- but we are planning to work for a few hours starting at 2pm, the walls are up, we need to prime, paint and figure out spaces for everyone- I'm sure we could get Chinese as well so unless you have a really good excuse I'll see you then! :)

Here is a copy of the email:

Hi All,

Walls are up. We will be meeting tomorrow to prime and paint. I know ODU email will be down most of the day tomorrow, so I will give you all a call if you don't call me first.

If you get this, call me / text me to tell me that you will be there or to give me an excuse why you will not be there.

Please call each other as well to make sure everyone has the message.


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