09 April 2011

I dont know why the other ones arent showing up so heres what I have.


  1. Okay so I really like the first poster, I mean of course I am not sure about some of the wording in the bottom section, but this is what your posters needed, a referal back to "don't delete yourself" it really works. As I stare at the bottom one I am not sure now that it is really working, as the imagery goes, I think its the razor I am not sure. But try to tie in a referal back to "don't delete yourself" like you did in the poster above.

  2. These are really good. I especially like the top one, because it ties back into "Don't delete yourself" very clearly and is still concise and accessible. I'm not sure that I like the fact that the second image shows a girl cutting herself with that kind of razor? It just looks kind of fake? I think maybe a blade by itself would get the message across more clearly. It would also be nice if the second one tied back into "don't delete yourself" like the first. I definitely like these, though!

  3. I wanted to tie the second one in too I just didn't know what to say or where to put it so I just left it off. I paid for the images so they aren't so bad and I really like the top one now. I dont know if my wording is right though.

  4. I don't want to sound like a debbie downer, but these just aren't working for me :/
    The imagery doesn't feel like it's telling me anything really. That guy in the first one doesn't seem like he would have appearance anxiety. But maybe that is a strong point- connecting it to someone you wouldn't expect.
    I agree about the razor too, I guess you could cut yourself with one of those, but that I have stop to think about it throws me off. I also think the image and the statistic are telling me the same thing, if that makes sense. Although I do like the way your logo works with it, I see the imagery, read the statistic and then see the logo- so that feels like positive at the end, like a "don't let it happen to you" type of thing. But I also feel like my view of your campaign is that it is somehow about making sure that we don't buy into the things that make us feel self conscious, rather than just trying not feel that way amidst them. I think the statistic on the first one is really strong and the fact that you tied it back to don't delete yourself is definitely helping.
    I wonder about imagery that uses examples of the things that make people feel self conscious or something. Right now, I just feel like these posters are telling me, "there are a lot of people who don't like them selves"

    I'm sorry I don't feel like they're working overall, I hope I'm being helpful.

    Also, if you were still thinking about ways to do graphics with statistics I thought you may want to look at this site: http://www.good.is/infographics
    they have awesome infographics and may be inspiring
    Good luck!

  5. That is helpful. But also contradictory. I already have a lot of text, so I was told to use images. Then the images weren't enough so I had to add text, and that wasn't enough so I had to add more. And an info graphic is almost entirely text so I am confused.

    I guess maybe I just need someone to tell me exactly what to do and then maybe I will get more ideas. I guess I am just confused on what even needs to be done.

  6. I don't know if other people will like this idea, but I'm just throwing it out there. I think it would be cool to do another poster with the background image of a group of 3 or so girls staring at the viewer but obviously whispering about something and smirking..and say something about these two statistics: 1. the percentage of youth that says they have been gossiped about/had a rumor spread about them; 2. percentage who say they have spread rumors/gossiped negatively about someone. And then a tie back to Don't Delete Yourself, obviously.

    I don't know, that idea just popped into my head and seemed kind of cool. I think showing both statistics from the different perspectives (the victim and the...criminal? lol) would be cool because it shows that people themselves are very frequently the cause of other people's grief, insecurities, and anxieties.

  7. I don't think it is the idea of images that isn't working it's just the specific images that we've seen so far. I feel like our goal isn't to tell you what to do. I think we all felt like some sort of images could really help. I still do, and I think the text you are working with on them is still strong.

    As for for what needs to be done,I guess what I would ask you is what kind of connection do you want the audience to make between the text and the image. Does the image restate the text, or elaborate on it, or put it into context somehow? What do you want to say with your project. and then what do the posters need to show us?

    I was thinking about it some more last night, and I wondered about the things that we base our "beauty ideals" on. Like with idea that models are not average and are even un-proportional— but if you associate them with beauty you will probably not feel very beautiful yourself. I started thinking about fashion, celebrity, and culture magazines which inform our ideas of beauty plus movies, billboards, graphics in stores and the tags on clothes which depict models wearing them-Like how are you not supposed to compare what you look like in the swimsuit you just bought to the model wearing it in the tag?
    Sorry for the rant.

    Again, I hope this is helpful. I really like the purpose behind your project and I know you'll find a way to accomplish it. :)
