04 April 2011

New Stats

I have been trying to find some new stats for young people that do not include body, but its really hard.  The biggest issue for people from 12-24 is body insecurities.  But I thought I would post what I could find so...

71% of teens have wished for plastic surgery just because they feel insecure about the way they look.
12.5% of teens feel confident about the way they look.
More than 40% of teens admitted to drinking when upset or insecure.
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death amoung young people.
1 in 12 high schoolers said they made a suicide attempt in the past year.
29% of high schoolers are happy the way they are.
75% of girls with low self-esteem reported engaging in negative and potentially harmful activities.
Children with low self esteem are 1.6 times more likely to abuse drugs than other children.
Today's beauty ideals create appearance anxiety for 86.9% of all teen girls.

Also:  I tried to order sticker from StickerRobot but they are just so expensive.  Anyone know of anywhere else I could try?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Some of those are really powerful. I think a lot of viewers will really identify with these statistics, Jess. Here's what I really like about each stat in a breakdown:

    71% of teens have wished for.... -really poignant because when I think of plastic surgery, the first image that comes to mind is a middle-aged woman with sagging skin.

    12.5% of teens feel... -I like this instead of saying "87.5% of teens don't feel confident." Showing the smaller number, especially in a negative statistic like this, shows just how few teens really feel 100% confident.

    More than 40% of teens admitted to drinking when upset or insecure... - honestly, who CAN'T admit to this? I don't think it's a secret to anyone in the class that I enjoy drinking, and I have to say this is one of the ones with which I strongly identify.

    1 in 12 high schoolers said... - this one is amazing. 1 in 12 - that definitely seems like a lot, but I'm sure even MORE than 1 in 12 really attempted suicide, and some of them just weren't comfortable confessing it out of fear that their info wouldn't be kept confidential or that they would be judged.

    75% of girls with low self-esteem reported engaging in negative.... - this just speaks for itself. really powerful with such a high number. 3 out of 4! It would be interesting if you could find out what this stat specifically means by "negative and harmful activities."

    Today's beauty ideals create appearance anxiety for 86.9% of all teen girls... - this one's great too!
