05 April 2011


These are some of the posters that I have been working for.  Sorry they are small.  I will try to pull the new ones out and make them bigger.

1 comment:

  1. There are some that I feel are really working and some that need so tweaking. The one with the cutting and the drinking one I feel really are dramatic, I think these make an impact because of the imagery. I do think that the type on the poster needs some work. The type is small and hard to read.

    So going in order from the top.... I am still on the fence with the first one, I am having trouble seeing this as a poster I do like the wording you are working with though.
    The second poster seems typical like I have seen it countless times....troubled girl hopelessly staring out the window.
    The third poster I feel still needs some work it still doesn't quite work yet. It might be the shaped people? I am not sure the second person looks stretched.
    The fourth poster is a little confusing to me I cannot figure what each of the people represent? Its hard to distinguish between the two stats on the poster.
    The fifth poster works its not one what really stands out as much as the ones with real imagery, but I get what you were going for in the poster.

    Overall these all look good, I really like the variation between the imagery of photos and the others with just type, and shapes. I want to see more.
