19 April 2011

Updated Posters

I updated these. If you tell me yes I am printing them.


  1. I think the 91% one looks good. yes.

    The statement one feels like two statements. I think the two paragraphs could work, separated by some space like they are- but the don't delete yourself heading makes them feel like two separate things?
    As far as spelling all I saw was that regardless is misspelled in the second paragraph.

    I'm fine with the Barbie one, as long as it is printing out fine now.

  2. The 91% looks ready to print to me. I couldn't read the statement very well on my phone so I'll check that out. The layout for it seems fine. Barbie still seems so creepy that I have trouble seeing her as something girls would want to mimic.

    If you will be in today we could meet to get everything set for you to print. All your improvements so far really help. Nice job.

  3. Barbie...what about rows of Barbie in the box at stores? Or Barbie clothing for kids (I've seen very young girls wearing her face on baithing suits). Or buying a Barbie (or brushing the hair) and photographing her and her reflection in a mirror...

  4. I will go to Target and get a different Barbie tonight and repost with what I find.
