02 September 2010

All day I dream about sneakers...

Hey Josh. Googling and came across something that screamed "JOSH!" I hope that you find it inspiring!

"JOSH!" <--(P.S. that's the link. I realized after posting this that it sort of appears as though I just said "Josh" in all caps without posting the link. However, I feel that the caps lock is appropriate since I said that this link screamed "Josh." My apologies).

This guy actually made a book out of his amazing shoe creations; if you want to see more of it, click on the link above, and then click on the link in the first paragraph that says "click here."

He actually MADE all of those shoes..pretty awesome!

1 comment:

  1. nice!! that is pretty sweet!! I have seena few things like this before, but its nice for the Adidas spin.
