02 September 2010

For Jenn

So here's a link that I came across while creeping on one of my friend's profiles. Viva Valezz is a Columbus-based burlesque performer who also does awesome things like hosting random figure drawing classes and hosting breast cancer fund raisers. The link I posted above is about a past event that she put together in which she collected pasties (ya know, the little cute things you conceal nipples with when you're wearing shirts with which it's impossible to wear a bra), each pair of pasties raked in a certain amount of money for awareness.

Well anyhow, I wanted to post one of her Facebook albums, entitled "Hot Pink," on this blog so that you could see her idea of raising awareness for and getting the message out about breast cancer. However, her profile is private, so I can't post it on here. If you're interested, add her as a friend (Viva Valezz) and go creep on her photos =]

Her idea is basically very sexual, and her approach is that losing a breast or breasts to cancer should not make anyone feel less like a woman in her sexuality. For that reason, she is a beautifully creative burlesque performer.

Check her out!

1 comment:

  1. thanks jess! ill get my creep on facebook and check her out.
