07 October 2010

My Fellow Jessica B,

Since I haven't talked to you in a while I haven't been able to tell you that I found something/someone for you.

A couple of weeks ago I went to Tuttle Mall with my sister (who is obsessed with rebelling against my father and trying to get a piercing) and they have a store called Body Jewel. We went in there and I started talking to the guy working behind the counter and I told him how you were doing your senior project on body modification and kind of the education of it and asked him if he knew anything interesting I could pass on to you...

He was VERY OVERLY passionate about your topic and his its becoming more accepted but still is no where close to what it should be. He actually related it to black and gay rights which I thought was interesting... but fitting. I have a couple of his business cards of his if you wanted to give him a call just to get a different perspective on the information you have. He was super excited to hear that SOMEONE is doing SOMETHING about bringing this "underground lifestyle" to life. Anyways, let me know if you want his number of I can just give you his business card sometime...

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