28 December 2010

12 l 28

Greetings everyone!

Nice to see that there is some progress on the wall, and people are responding! I was a little worried.

I apologize that currently I have not posted designs or photos on this wall yet, and have to update my own blog as well, but I have been deep into reading, and running this break, and trying to see my own connection. I will admit I took Christmas off, please forgive me :)

Anywho, As my research is continually being gathered, for I do not feel that I can ignore the openess of all, here are a few things that I have done to give you all a status rpeort!

1. I have video recorded a 6 mile run to Pine Quarry here in Reynoldsburg from the High School. I wanted to get back to my roots with this one. Anyway, the video quality actually turned out to be pretty decent. I was talking while I was running, any thought that popped in my mind, and unfortunately, the audio isnt as great, but I can possibly dub over it later. I also recorded the playlist that I listened to on my iPod while running in case I want to show the music element of the run, and it actually can show the change in speed based on the tempo of the song.

2. I have beeng reading Living Buddha, Living Christ, and it is taking me longer than I thought, but I have tons of spirituality information from it that connects to running. For example, in Buddhism, there is a belief in Suchness, which is ultimate reality. We all come from Suchness, and it will be to Suchness that we return. In Buddhist understanding, Suchness is also nothing. So, using the mathematical transit porperty, we can say We all come from nothing, and it will be to nothing we return. This is a very liberal idea in conjunction with Christian Theology, but after deeper thinking and pondering during my run, I realized this is the same for Christianity in two ways. First, in the words from God to Adam, "Its is from dust you have come from, and dust you shall return." Secondly, the connection is also in relation to God as Suchness. If God is ultimate reality to a Christian, or to a mind, then we must realize that there is "nothing" greater than God, or the concept. The ultimate would transend mind and body, and be beyond the percieved human understanding of perfection because we are limited. Thus, God is that Suchness. We have come from God, who came from nothing, yet everything. And it is to God we shall return. ( I relaive the debate is not well organized in this paragraph, but I can further make sense of it if anyone has any interest).

3. A few quotes that I would like you all to think about that I have found interesting. Feel free to respond!

-(repeat this while breathing"
"Breathing in, I calm my body
Breathing out, I smile
Dwelling in the present moment
I know this is a wonderful moment"

- "The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence"

- "Mindfulness helps us touch Nirvana, and the Holy Spirit offers us a door to the Trinity"

- "Without God the Father within Him, the Son could never be"
(Christians struggle with this, but Buddhists understand the nondualism)

- In this Lord's Prayer there is the phrase, "Thy Kingdom come . . ."
This means that we do not go to the Kingdom of God, it comes to us.

- "Devote yourself to loving others. Devote yourself to your community around you. Devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."

Thank you!



  1. Digging this!

    I love the word 'Suchness.' I haven't heard that one used for that concept yet, but it works well!
    I think what you were saying hits the nail on the head. It's what I always confused me about the Christianity I see around me- the way people talk about God as some male being. I guess I've always seen God more as a term for "The Big Everything" (the universe, as a whole / ultimate reality / etc.) and I think that's what most sacred writings are referring to.

    I also want to add, Carl Sagan's "We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself."

  2. I really hope we can all organize a group run next semester; I'm going to try to start LIGHT jogging again soon since I think my foot is ready for it, and hopefully we'll all be up for it!

    Great stuff!
