27 December 2010

Hey guys! Although I haven't yet posted anything on here over break, I HAVE been reading all of the posts everyone has made. Great stuff, guys! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that everyone has a great New Year, too =]

I've started to go over some of the images I took during the photoshoot with the peeps at Evolved, and I've started 2 paintings of Jared. I'm not even sure if they're ones I'm going to want to include in my final show. As of now, just messing around with different size canvases and how far zoomed in or out I want my images to be. For instance, playing around with the differing impacts of a painting that appears to be zoomed in on a single, modified body part vs. a fuller, "zoomed out" image. I'll ask your guys opinions, too, once school starts up again. =]

As of now, I'm kind of trying to work out a plan of attack for all the elements I want to include in my show. I figure this may make it all seem less overwhelming and more manageable =]
1. PAINTINGS, obviously, as this is the staple of my show.
2. AUDIO elements as discussed before, such as a. short interviews/accounts of modification experiences/accounts of discrimination; b. the sound of a tattooing needle (thanks for the idea, Ryan!); c. views on modification (pro/against); etc etc.. ANY other ideas are welcome!
3. A BOOK through Blurb, as was demonstrated to us by Jessica Larva. This would include a brief history of body mods, WHY I'm interested in it/why it's important, and would showcase several modified people (photo(s), their thoughts on mods, their favorite mod, etc).

Those are the main things I plan to include as of now. Of course, as I'm writing this, I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting, so feel free to remind me of whatever obvious things you think I may be overlooking =]

Happy New Year and good luck with your continuing work!

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