17 December 2010

Other Blog

Hey guys, I also wanted to share a link to my personal thesis blog: VERBage
I've been thinking about using that word for something for a while, because it sounds like a made up word for the use of verbs, AND it's like, 'the age of verbs!' May just end up only using it for the name of my thesis blog, but whatever. Just thought to do a search and see if there was anything similar, and the word 'verbiage,' definitely pronounced differently, means: a profusion of words usually of little or obscure content /or/ manner of expressing oneself in words. -kinda funny.

I'll be posting notes, rants, sketches, concepts and ideas. I will also probably post things by others which I find influential and helpful. I will also periodically beg for opinions, criticism, questions, advice and answers to questions of my own; Thanks in advance!

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