17 December 2010


I intend to create works which deal with the way words and concepts structure reality.
My goals include (but are not limited to):
To create an awareness of the power of words
To create an awareness of the degree uncertainty/guesswork/assumptions present in any
definitions of reality
To enable the work’s audience to examine his/her own biases
To enable the work’s audience to examine the structure these ideas and biases create
To Introduce an audience to the benefits of using/keeping a "multi-model" approach
To spark real discussions about tough topics

EDIT (Jan 13, 2011):
Earlier today I was asked what my project was about, or what the purpose was. I felt like my on the spot answer was slightly more clear. (I also consciously realized how many different ways I've been saying it, which I immediately thought was appropriate, why wouldn't I try to say it as many different ways as possible!)

Revised Statement 1: I aim to create work(s) which cause the audience to think about the way they think by reexamining the influence their language has on the way they interact with the world. I think this is important because if we do not pay attention to the way we think we will make rash decisions; contextualizing our ideas about the world, by reflecting on what they are and where they come from, we are better able to understand our reactions and improve them (limit negative conflict).

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