30 December 2010


Hey guys - I thought I'd switch it up a bit and show you my process in painting.
I realized today, not for the first time, how amazing it is that when I start a painting, there is nothing on the canvas. When we paint, we're making up a story. I gradually tell my story by building up layer after layer, like I'm telling a lie, never believing the ending until I see it. Sometimes, I don't believe the ending. I haven't made it believable enough. Other times, like this sequence of pictures, I begin to have more and more faith in the story I'm telling as I see it come to life.

This is why I think that showing my process to you is important. The end result, and whether or not I find it believable, is wholly dependent on the process.

Obviously, this painting isn't finished. I'm still telling the story =]


  1. OMG, I love this just as it is, amazing sketch. You are a very gifted painter.

  2. Thanks so much Mike! That means a lot..miss ya! Hope break is treating you well.
