26 December 2010


I aim to show women, from tweens to young adults, how to love their bodies and appriciate what they have in a new way so that they can instill those beliefs in the young girls who look up to them.

Over the break I was going to try to develop "Don't Delete Yourself" a little more but I am having some trouble. First off I work in retail so I have spent 95% of my time at Tuttle (yay?). But I am feeling stuck again. I am going to scan from of the sketches I have done so that maybe you guys can give me some feed back. I dont know how to explain don't delete yourself in a simple way without going into the way that you shouldn't write yourself off. I need people to just get it!

What do you guys think?


  1. hmm... Don't delete yourself....

    1. life was not meant to be a digital camera, for the negatives were meant to be developed

    2. just because you are one, and they are many doesn't mean they are right.

    just two that came to mind. I will have to ponder this more over a run

  2. hmm I like that about the negatives . . .
    something about telling people their pictures that they don't like aren't "negative(s)" is cool, even though it maybe a little photography nerdish haha.

    hmm not sure about the simple way yet either. But I'm thinking about it!

  3. can I see some sketches/graphics? Maybe the type or the color is secondary to a graphic element?

    as for getting others involved...can you lead by example - start a public compilation of images you would have deleted. You can explain why you would have deleted them, then explain why you don't need to delete them.
