22 January 2011

Digital Sketches

The bottom one is more digital sketches based off of what you told me.  I like the purple and charcoal so I think I should stick with it.  I also don't think the play or delete symbols is strong enough to be on its own.

I was talking to the future father in law and when I told him about my ideas he got really excited.  He said that it could be a national campaign and don't delete youself can mean more than body image.  Just people connecting because they dont write themselves off because they are different in any way.  "Dont delete yourself... im gay"  etc, etc.  He also told me I should get the same copywritted... I guess that means he really believes in this thing?  He also had an idea of making bands (like the live strong bands)  everyone knew what those were... just having a purple one with the trashcan on it might be the key to getting people to do it instead of having people send in pictures.. just have them send their stories about how they have had to overcome any sort of insecurity.   I dont know, it got me excited to think about how this could take off and actually be successful!



  1. I really like the gray logo that says: " 'play button' or 'trash can.' " I like how the play button seems to be larger than the trash can, almost subconsciously making us realize that we SHOULD prefer the play button over the delete button.

  2. I also really like the idea of the wristbands. I agree that you should still try to collect people's stories about how they've had to overcome insecurities. Good stuff =]

  3. AWESOME. I really like the 2nd one bottom right. its got the light purple play with the dark purple. I just like how it intertwines with one another. and WRIST bands are awesome. I was thinking about doing the same. maybe we all could do it for each project. ah who knows. but awesome work jessica!
