03 January 2011

A few designs

I have been thinking about designing a book, just an outlet, and here are a few ideas I have for covers. Let me know what you think!


  1. I like the overal look Josh.

    I think the "By Josh Watson" feels akward on the two middle ones.

    I love the idea of the text creating a vanishing point, like the road while you are running on it.

    Though, I'm not sure of the book idea as a whole- I'd have to know what kind of content it would be built around. Keep us posted!

  2. I am enjoying the color scheme here. I like it a lot better then the green. It's more refreshing and thats usually how I feel after a mile run. Refreshed and recharged.

  3. Definitely some nice progress, Josh. I agree with Jenn in that I like the color scheme. I'd like to see the actual layout of how you want the book to look, ie fold out, pamphlet-like, etc. to get a better idea of how it would all look together. Can't wait to see what else you've come up with in class tomorrow!
