04 January 2011

For Jess Beckett

Hey Jess - I saw this commercial (which I've searched for incessantly on Youtube and still can't find!!) today that made me think of you. I'll keep searching and let you know if I find it, but until then, I'll just try to explain it.

It began with a woman stepping onto a digital scale, covering her eyes and saying timidly, " Ooh I hate scales!" Then she uncovered her eyes, looked at the display, and instead of it showing a number, it boldly displayed, "COURAGE." Another woman stepped on, and her weight was, "PRIDE." This continued with another couple of women, and I was intrigued. I thought this was a really empowering commercial. Although knowing your actual weight in pounds can be helpful in cases where health is a concern, why else does putting a number on your weight really matter? Shouldn't it just matter that we feel healthy? This also brings to mind some other commercial I saw in which women say things like, "I want to weigh HEALTHY" and "My goal weight is HAPPY..."

Of course, the commercial ended up being a Special K commercial, attempting to empower women by making them feel like they should want to lose weight and encouraging them to do so, which I thought sort of contradicted the original message...but the important part, and the part I wanted to share with you, was the beginning. Thought this might be helpful.

When you go to the Special K website and look at the part in the near-center, displaying pictures in which women are holding up signs saying things like "Moxie," "Stength," and "Delight," I guess that's sort of like what the commercial was doing...but those cards they're holding up also say, "I will gain _____ by losing weight." I think it's more apropos to say, shouldn't we feel stength, delight, and moxie (this word makes me giggle) just by accepting our bodies for what they are? HMmm..food for thought.


  1. Ive been watching the Food Network all day trying to soak up some better dinner ideas and Ive seen that commercial 100 times today. I agree.. Enjoy the commercial.

  2. lol i lived for Food Network, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and Permanent Mark during break. I'm a pretty amazing chef, thanks to Rachel Ray.
