28 January 2011

I'm just going to stop apologizing....

...for the poor quality of my camera phone pics. Startiiiing....now. You have my word. Hey guys - if you're getting tired of seeing these sequence posts, just let me know and I'll stick to posting finalized pieces only. This is Joe, a friend of mine. It's starting to look like him, yayy! The modification that this piece will showcase is his left arm sleeve, although his two lip piercings are also visible, as well. Let me know what you guys think! =]

PS I know his arms look unproportionately small in the last shot; the canvas was at an angle when I took the pic. =]


  1. I really enjoy seeing your process, because we don't get to see how you work, I maybe would also like to see the photo you are referencing from to see what you are working with. This look great though I can't wait to see more!!

  2. I agree with Deanna, process is great! This looks really good. It is also great to see how much you are painting which is helping me want to stay on top of things!
