31 January 2011

What do you guys think about "This is Forever" for the title of my book? I also want to include the quote, "We live in a world where everything is disposable, THIS is permanent." Or maybe "......THIS is forever." Hmm..


  1. Nice ideas Jessica. How do you see "This is Indelibe" or "My Indelible Marks"

  2. I like the idea. I remember my mom telling me that the whole reason my parents were mad about me getting a tattoo was because "it is perminant". lol It kinda made me giggle when I heard your title because to people who don't get mods they see perminance as a scary/bad thing but to people who do... perminance is the point (or atleast it was for me).

  3. I really like that! It is to the point, inviting and it does have a slight sense of humor like Jessica said. Would the book only deal with tatoos or heavily modded (is that a new word?) people?

  4. I think the word you are looking for is modified, but i could be wrong, and your new word is correct. I do like the book title! There will be a lot of "books" at this show it seems.

  5. Thanks for the feedback guys!!

    Indelible would also be a good word to explore, Justina, thanks for that.

    I do like the irony that you pointed out, as well, Jess.

    Ryan, it doesn't deal only with heavily-modified people. Or at least, not what I would consider heavily-modified (haha). A couple of the paintings feature only one or two modifications. I keep wondering about how that impacts the title. Hmm..

    And thanks Josh! Yeah, it seems like books are the way to go =)
