07 February 2011

A desperate request.

So, it seems like my topic is still extremely fuzzy for everyone. I understand. Without just writing a book, it is sort of hard to convey, and I'm not even sure what I believe about it anymore haha.

However, since it is abstract and philosophical, I would really love it if people would ask me questions, even if they seem stupid or/or general.
I think answering your questions could really help me with my ideas for content. If anyone could leave general questions in the comments here, or as a separate post on the blog as you think of them. I have a lot of more in depth ideas on my personal blog and questions about them would be really helpful, even if it is "could you explain this better?" Since it's philosophical in nature, I would completely welcome someone calling me out and disagreeing with any of the ideas as well. Getting in a nice debate or something could really help too haha.

Hopefully for next class I will also have a bunch of sample layouts as well as some sort of introduction written.

Thanks guys!


  1. Although I'm sure that I know only a measly fraction (haha) of what you know about your topic, I THINK I'm pretty ok with understanding what you've presented to us so far..but I shall try to think of any questions I may have! I'll take a look at your personal blog later.

  2. Thanks Jessica! I hope I didn't sound too conceded in that post :/ lol.

  3. Yeah.... although I cannot actually explain your project to others I totally understand most of what you present, what I don't understand at first glance I get once you explain it. I too will try to think of any questions that I may have. ( Although as of now I still don't have any.... I am still thinking though).

  4. No, you didn't sound conceited at all! I'm just certain that you know more about it than I do =] I agree with Deanna. I may not be able to perfectly explain your topic to others, but I think I can get the general message across. You've been very good about explaining otherwise-hard-to-understand points!

  5. I think it would be easier to understand if there were visuals. Being an artsy person I am a visual learner. To me, atleast, its a lot of words but its hard to paint a picture in my head. That would be super helpful!
