24 February 2011

For Deanna: carrot proof

Based on our conversation in class the other day, I was going to take a photo of my "baby cut" carrots vs. the mini-carrots grown in my garden (which store amazingly well), but my cat got in the way.

However, I think this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that kittens prefer naturally organic carrots over technologically-shaped "torpedo" carrots.  And cats have a 6th sense, right? Or is that a 9th life...either way, I feel that I've made my point.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree I think that its been scientifically proven that kittens do prefer naturally organic carrots.... This is interesting because last night I was comparing the vegetables that my Mom had purchased and the vegetables we still have canned and they are totally different in color. I really like how you refer to the "over technologically-shaped "torpedo" carrots, it makes me think how things are engineered to look a certain way physically as well as their color to fit this standard we all adhere to. I mean look how oddly shaped your carrots look compared to the "torpedo" carrots its like they were trying to make them look like a carrot or what we perceive a carrot to be.

    Anyway love the video.
