12 February 2011

Hey guys! These are my NEWEST PAINTINGS! Pretty realistic, huh? Just kidding just kidding..wish I could pass these off as my work! Just my photographical work haha.

Sorry for my absence on the blog the past couple days. Although I wasn't posting, I was fortunate enough to meet up with two great women in Cincinnati to get photos of them. I really needed these ladies, to equally balance gender representation in my show! Amanda (whose tattoo artist name is Highlighter! awesome!), one of the girls who I shot, said she would pass my name along with my project idea to some of her friends who may be interested, as well. Here are a couple preview pics, but I'll show you all of the photos in class next week.

Happy Homework-ing!

1 comment:

  1. good work Jessica. i can't wait to see the other photos in class.
