12 February 2011

Promotion? Maybe?

Hey guys - I got a really awesome email from Ohio Art League recently, about various calls for entry and promotional events. Below, I pasted the segment about submitting a show to be featured on OAL's blog. I know our show obviously is an art AND design show, but OAL also has many design-based shows and I'm sure they would be interested in our show.

Would you guys be interested in submitting our show to be featured?

OAL BLOG www.ohioartleague.wordpress.com
Submit your show or event to be featured on our blog!

Want to know more about OAL's exhibiting artists, see pictures from our events, or post your own upcoming shows? Now you can on the Ohio Art League blog

We want to know what you're doing!
OAL members are invited to send us information about their upcoming exhibitions and happenings. To have your show posted please send the following information to oal@oal.org with BLOG POST in the subject line:
  • Event or exhibition title
  • Reception date and time
  • Show dates
  • Location
  • Your website or exhibition space website (if available)
  • One image of your work


  1. That will be interesting. I think it is a good idea.

  2. Great idea - you (Jessica) and Justina will have to be in charge of submitting this because you are our OAL connections.

    I would suggest that we submit one large image of ARTwork, or one segmented image that shows works by many people.
