09 February 2011

New Ideas

Sooo.. I thought I would try some more visual marketing since Jessica says thats what we need.  I am not too wonderful at photoshop so I don't know what you guys think.  Thoughts?     I was thinking that if i did promotions with all sorts of different promotions for DDY with different people holding DDY signs?  I dont know.  Is that stupid?

I tried to fix this a little bit. So what do you think about this??


  1. I really like the poster with the little girl on the bench at the top. I think it would be interesting to explore doing a series of posters revolving around the same idea.

  2. i think that you should play with putting the image and overlaying the text together. could turn out nice if done right. experimenting with photoshop will do wonders. trust me. or look up some tutorials. thats how i learned best.

  3. I do think there is something strong about younger kids displaying the message, almost as if it's something you've known since you were little, but forgotten, and they are able to remind you. However, there has to be something there to tell you that it's talking to teens and 20 somethings.

  4. Yeah I think some with little kids but also with older kids and even adults could be cool but I didnt know if it was over done.

  5. I agree with Ryan because it think it is more focused on adults. Adults in turn help kids....

  6. I'm not sure what you mean by "over done"
