13 March 2011


Here are some shots of my experimentation with adding color to the backgrounds of my paintings. I still wanted to keep with the idea of nondescript backgrounds, emphasizing the fact that the figures themselves are the important part. The colors are much more vibrant in person; the vibrancy doesn't translate well in these pics. I think the most successful one is the first photo in the last row, the one of Jared with a turquoise/aqua background. The fact that his face already has such a vibrant color on it made it easy to choose a complementary (not to be confused with complimentary) color for the background. Some of the others were more of a challenge, and I still plan on re-working most of them. But overall, I'm happy with the change from black and gray backgrounds to more colorful ones.


1 comment:

  1. I enjoy the colored background. I think it gives it a little more pop against the almost pigment-less skin.
