13 March 2011

Hey guys, Blogger is kindly not allowing me to post individual pictures today, but I found a way to send images to our blog via text!! How awesome. So instead of making seven separate blog posts with a single image each, I just took a picture of all the stuff I've been working on. That should suffice until Blogger decides to let me post images again =]

This is what some of my stuff looks like after adding background colors. The colors are pretty vibrant, but that doesn't translate through this photo very well.


  1. What is going on behind the paintings?

  2. That's how I plan on setting up my show! Just kidding =] The green circles are just some wall art, and the thing in the center is a piece from Green Art last semester. With all my posters and photos, I have limited wall space, so this wall was the only place I had available to hang my paintings =] I didn't realize how odd that looks when I first posted it ha.
