12 March 2011

Business card ideas

Hey guys - here are some of my very ROUGH sketches for business cards. I say "very" rough because they're done in Microsoft Word..my Photoshop Elements has conveniently decided to not open..it starts to load and then says "The application Photoshop Elements 4.0 has unexpectedly quit." Even more troubling, when I click on "details" to see what the problem might be, it says that a necessary agent is missing...not sure what to do about that....but for the time being, these sketches should suffice.

I also REALLY REALLY REALLY want to get spot uv on the card I end up choosing. I can show you guys what that looks like on the samples I got from 4colorprint.com. It basically looks like a watermark and really adds flair without looking cluttered or immature.

I know the "J"s are cut off on the first two sketches, I'm not sure why, because it looks completely fine when printed.

These are all FRONTS. I plan on having the back blank (1. because it costs extra for a designed back, 2. because I like the idea of a blank back).

As far as some of the sweeping blank spaces (like the huge gap on the fourth card in the second row), I envisioned a logo or image there, incorporating my initials? Below are some sketches I did, attempting to combine J and B in various ways. Also, if I want to use one of these logos, but want to make it more subtle, I could use it as the spot uv printing, which I mentioned above.

What do you guys think about including "painting, drawing, textiles, etc.." ?? Most of the business cards of fine and visual artists (that I've seen) include their area of emphasis..obviously painting is what I consider my emphasis, but I thought I'd include some other strong points in there.

Also, I used the same color of green that I used on my CV.

I also thought about doing a European size or cocktail size card...long, narrow card and square card, respectively. Different size cards stand out from the bunch but I suppose could also be perceived as presumptuous...thoughts?

What do you guys think about these?


  1. The one I really like is the third vertical card in the second row. I like the placement, use of white space. I also like how you organized your information on the card. I do think that maybe your email stands out more than your name. That might just be that they type is bolder and that section is in the darker gray area and your name in the green seems lighter. The gray section stands out more than your name. So maybe try different colors or typefaces.

    The only problems that I have with the card is that the title visual artist is a little confusing. It almost makes me think more about graphic design that fine art, what makes me think of this is that some universities title graphics design majors as visual communication majors. Is there another title you could use?

    As for the other cards and variations, I do like how clean and elegant the first horizontal card is. The script is really nice, I actually like how your name looks in the script. One negative it sort of looks like weddingish? Out of all of them I feel that the vertical designs are the strongest. Great start!!!!

  2. Hmm good idea. I can put "fine artist," I've also seen that on business cards. Thanks for the tips!

  3. I really like your sketches or some evidence of your hand. You could do a full color card with your artwork in the background - as long as it is clear to read. I can show you what I mean in/after class if you want.

  4. That would be great, I'm definitely interested in seeing examples of having artwork in the background.

    It's sort of hard to convey exactly what I'm looking for in the cards just through Word, so I'll show some samples of what I was actually going for as far as foil lettering, watermarks, spot uv.

    I'm open to anything, though =]
