12 March 2011


As far as take aways go for the show, I have a couple ideas, and I'd really like to go with both:

1. I obviously want to have business cards to hand out; I'm working on that right now through THIS site. I ordered samples from their site and received them in the mail over break. If anyone is interested in seeing what they have to offer, I can bring the samples to class.

2. I'd LOVE to make some custom temporary tattoos to hand out. I've found a couple sites that offer such a service (kind of expensive, but hey, gotta do what ya gotta do), but I'm not sure what I actually want to be ON the tattoos. Any suggestions???


  1. how about the name of your book, or our senior show?

  2. I don't know that this is a good idea, but its the first thing I thought of, so I might as well throw it out there so we can move past it if it doesn't work in practice...

    If you want them to be unique (as is the intent with many tattoos) you could create a design that is a building block - then people can add them together like legos and all have different work...

  3. btw...I didn't mean an actual building block per se, just a portion of something that could be added together to make other stuff.
